For our first What Would You Do Ethical Dilemma we had a great response from a mix of trainees and therapists, with one action getting half the votes. To be kept up to date with future dilemmas and join in the discussion follow us on Facebook, Instagram or LinkedIn.
The Dilemma
You have been working with a counselling client for 3 months, their counselling has now come to an end and they are giving their friends and family rave reviews about you; your client has made an amazing transformation through your work with them. In their last session with you, they said that they don't feel they will ever need therapy again as they feel totally fixed and amazed by the changes that have been made.
One week after your last session together you are emailed by a work colleague of your client, the colleague wants to come and work with you and she said she had been passed your contact details by your former client who has also told her that she won't need to return to therapy as she is "fixed".
What would you do?
1. Arrange an initial call with the new client and ask them how well she knows your former client and how often they are in contact.
2. Discuss with your supervisor and decide to email back and politely decline. You tell the new client that you are unable to work with any colleagues / friends of former clients due to potential boundary issues and give them a link to the Counselling Directory.
3. Agree to work with the client, after all your former client said that they will not come back for more.
4.Email your former client to ask if it is OK for you to work with their colleague and to thank them for the referral.
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