This dilemma caused a lot of head scratching for quite a few of us, and resulted in a much wider range of choices than of our previous dilemmas. A really awkward set of circumstances lead to a variety of options being chosen.
The Dilemma
You are working with a client who has been stuck in an abusive relationship for some time. The only thing that has kept her going is her daughter and a colleague at work with whom she is having an affair. For many weeks she has been looking ill and has said that she is not eating nor drinking healthily. Her husband is becoming more and more controlling and physically intimidating.
In today’s session she looks tired and pale and has a huge bruise on her temple. She appears to be very nervous but also excited. She starts the session by saying that after a massive physical fight with her husband last night, she packed a bag, grabbed her daughter and moved out.
Last night they stayed at a friend’s house, and after your session she intends to pick up her daughter from the school around the corner and move their stuff over to her lover’s house. She tells you that she is terrified that her husband will either hurt her again if he gets the chance, or try to manipulate their daughter into hating her.
As she starts to discuss her plans she suddenly slumps forward. She is still breathing but is unresponsive. You immediately ring for an ambulance and as you are waiting the call-handler talks you through what to do until they arrive.
Once the paramedics arrive they take over and you then, in-line with your contract, start to ring her emergency contact and then realise that this, is her husband.
What Would You Do?
Call her husband and explain what has happened – after all her daughter needs to be picked up from school and he is her father.
Wait to see if the paramedics can revive her so you can ask her what she wants you to do.
Pick up her phone to see if you can find a better number to call.
Call the school and explain the situation – they can then make sure her daughter is safe.
Cancel your next two appointments and go with her to the hospital.
The dilemma in full can be found here: https://forms.gle/vXNU8RkcUjj4L8Uz9 and is still open for votes